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...I Care Because You Do
...I Care Because You Do
Aphex Twin
Catalogue Number
Release Date
20 febbraio 2017

written in Clissold studio.

*Mastered by Beau Thomas.

*Mastered by Beau Thomas.

Lista dei brani digitali

  1. 1 Acrid Avid Jam Shred 7:39 Acquista

    Acrid Avid Jam Shred

  2. 2 The Waxen Pith 4:49 Acquista

    The Waxen Pith

  3. 3 Wax The Nip 4:18 Acquista

    Wax The Nip

  4. 4 Icct Hedral 6:07 Acquista

    Icct Hedral

  5. 5 Ventolin (Video Edit) 4:29 Acquista

    Ventolin (Video Edit)

  6. 6 Come On You Slags 5:44 Acquista

    Come On You Slags

    recorded in Lannerlog, Cornwall.

  7. 7 Start As You Mean To Go On 6:05 Acquista

    Start As You Mean To Go On

  8. 8 Wet Tip Hen Ax 5:17 Acquista

    Wet Tip Hen Ax

  9. 9 Mookid 3:51 Acquista


  10. 10 Alberto Balsam 5:10 Acquista

    Alberto Balsam

Mostra tutti i brani 20

Aphex Twin

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Aphex Twin

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