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Aphex Twin
Catalogue Number
Release Date
22 de setembre 2018
  • Mastered by Beau Thomas.
  • Mastered by Beau Thomas.

Llista de pistes digitals

  1. 1 minipops 67 [120.2][source field mix] 4:47 Comprar

    minipops 67 [120.2][source field mix]

  2. 2 XMAS_EVET10 [120][thanaton3 mix] 10:31 Comprar

    XMAS_EVET10 [120][thanaton3 mix]

  3. 3 produk 29 [101] 5:03 Comprar

    produk 29 [101]

  4. 4 4 bit 9d api+e+6 [126.26] 4:28 Comprar

    4 bit 9d api+e+6 [126.26]

  5. 5 180db_ [130] 3:11 Comprar

    180db_ [130]

  6. 6 CIRCLONT6A [141.98][syrobonkus mix] 6:00 Comprar

    CIRCLONT6A [141.98][syrobonkus mix]

  7. 7 fz pseudotimestretch+e+3 [138.85] 0:58 Comprar

    fz pseudotimestretch+e+3 [138.85]

  8. 8 CIRCLONT14 [152.97][shrymoming mix] 7:21 Comprar

    CIRCLONT14 [152.97][shrymoming mix]

  9. 9 syro u473t8+e [141.98][piezoluminescence mix] 6:32 Comprar

    syro u473t8+e [141.98][piezoluminescence mix]

  10. 10 PAPAT4 [155][pineal mix] 4:18 Comprar

    PAPAT4 [155][pineal mix]

  11. 11 s950tx16wasr10 [163.97][earth portal mix] 6:01 Comprar

    s950tx16wasr10 [163.97][earth portal mix]

  12. 12 aisatsana [102] 5:21 Comprar

    aisatsana [102]

  13. 13 end E2 * 5:19 Comprar

    end E2 *

    Missing track from Syro, didn't make it for technical and personal reasons. Drums were made on FOUR customised mid-racked Pearl syncussions, thanks to Colin Fraser and Tony Allgood.

Aphex Twin

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Aphex Twin

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